Career Support

Alumni shaking hands with professor Alumni shaking hands with professor

At the University of Miami's Department of Public Health Sciences, we not only prioritize academic excellence but also ensure that your journey extends seamlessly into a successful and fulfilling career. Our Office of Career Services is dedicated to providing comprehensive support, resources, and guidance to empower you on your path to professional success.

Our Office of Career Services works closely with each student to identify their educational and professional goals and assists in developing a personalized strategy to achieve them.

Services offered by the Office of Career Services include:

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Job Placement Assistance

Navigating the job market can be challenging, but with the support of our career services staff, you'll be well-equipped for success. We facilitate job placement opportunities, connect you with industry partners, and provide the tools you need to secure positions in the dynamic field of public health.

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Interview Preparation:

Ace your interviews with confidence. Our career services offer tailored interview preparation sessions, equipping you with the skills and knowledge needed to articulate your strengths, experiences, and aspirations effectively.

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Capstone and Thesis Projects

Your academic journey culminates in a capstone or thesis project that showcases your expertise. Our career services staff and team of expert Faculty Advisors are here to guide you through this process, ensuring that your project aligns with industry needs and positions you as a standout candidate in your chosen field.

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Networking Opportunities

Building a robust professional network is key to success in public health. The Department of Public Health Sciences’ facilitates networking events, conferences, and industry connections that allow you to engage with professionals, alumni, and organizations, expanding your reach and opening doors to exciting opportunities.

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Professional Development

Continuous learning is the cornerstone of a successful career. Our career services provide ongoing professional development opportunities, workshops, and seminars to keep you updated on industry trends, emerging technologies, and best practices in public health.
