Ph.D. in Prevention Science and Community Health

Program Overview

The Ph.D. in Prevention Science and Community Health will prepare you with the necessary expertise and interdisciplinary background to contribute to the 21st-century prevention and community health research. Students will be trained in both traditional and innovative areas of prevention science. These include etiology, intervention design and evaluation, innovative data collection and analyses, community-based participatory research, and implementation science.

Our faculty are experts in cultural diversity and health disparities. They are focused on acculturation; cultural predictors of health disparities; and efficacious methods, strategies, and programs for reducing health disparities locally, nationally and internationally. The research of the faculty span multiple disease outcomes and populations. Outcomes include substance use, HIV, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and depression. Populations of interest include Hispanic families, Haitian American women, men who have sex with men, and male couples.



The Doctoral degree in Prevention Science and Community Health is accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH).

Upon completion of the Doctoral degree in Prevention Science and Community Health, all graduates will be able to:

  • Competencies:
    Development and implement data collection/management methods and tools needed for prevention science and community health research
    Apply epidemiologic methods to the measurement and study of population health and the prevention of infectious and chronic disease
    Articulate research questions that advance scientific knowledge and develop a proposal for extramural research funding
    Design and adapt a preventive intervention based on available etiological research
    Master principles of designing, conducting, and analyzing data from a randomized clinical trial of a preventive intervention
    Master techniques for designing and carrying out procedures for translating evidence-based interventions into community practice
    Apply state-of-the-science statistical methods and manage/manipulate datasets in statistical software such as SPSS, SAS, Mplus and R
    Conduct prevention science research, and be prepared to work collaboratively with scientists and practitioners in other fields
  • Average Program Duration: 4-5 years

Ph.D. in Prevention Science and Community Health

To meet the requirements, the courses must be completed as the core, professional development seminars, innovation seminars, dissertation, and electives.

  • Electives (9 credits)
    EPH-600, 700, 800 level courses not already listed
    BST-600, 700, 800 level courses not already listed

Ph.D. Financial Support

Students who are admitted to the Ph.D. in Prevention Science and Community Health and who are in good academic standing are supported financially through their graduate studies. Support includes:

  • Fully paid tuition
  • An annual stipend of $30,000
  • 100% of the University of Miami student health insurance premium for a single person

In addition, all full-time doctoral students are eligible to receive graduate assistantships and fellowships throughout their graduate studies. Additionally, during the first year, students will receive a fellowship designed to free them up from employment responsibilities and to enable them to focus on their research .

Curriculum information and course descriptions can be found here.
For the program application, click below.
