Alumni Profile

Portrait of Khaila Prather

Khaila Prather

Program: MPH
Graduation Year: 2020
Employer: ABT Associates
Job Title: Research Analyst

Khaila Prather is a Research Analyst at ABT Associates and a 1st year PhD student at the University of South Florida College of Public Health with research interest in maternal and child health. Ms. Prather received both her BSPH'19 and MPH'20 at the University of Miami.


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  • What motivated you to study public health?

    I initially started as a chemistry major on the pre-med track. Though I did well in chemistry, I was more interested in the engagement of the health and well-being of people. I changed my major early in my junior year and never looked back. It was one of the best decisions I could've made!

  • How did your degree prepare you for your current position?

    My MPH degree from the UM's Miller School of Medicine Department of Public Health Sciences really gave me the knowledge and skills of how to manage and address health issues on a population level. Also, it gave me the leadership and practical experience to work in different public health industries.

  • What is your favorite part of your job?

    My favorite part of working at Abt Associates is the opportunity to work with different public health organizations and agencies on various topics of my interest to provide research, consulting, and/or technical assistance services. Also, I really enjoy my colleagues. I have had the opportunity to work with amazing people who are supportive, and mission driven!

  • What advice do you have for someone interested in your career path?

    1) Be patient with yourself and know that all of the experiences and decisions you make for your career are a part of the journey you are on. There really isn't a destination, so enjoy the journey!
    2) Make connections! This has been EXTREMELY helpful in my career and as a PhD student. This could be as simple as reaching out to someone on LinkedIn and asking them about their career path or current position. I have learned that people are typically more than willing to talk with you to offer guidance, advice, and share helpful resources!
