Resumes, CVs, and Cover Letters

Resumes and CVs

The purpose of your resume or CV (Curriculum Vitae) is to obtain an interview. Therefore, it is a good idea to update your resume or CV every six months or whenever you complete an experience.

What is the difference between a resume and a CV?

  • A CV is typically longer in length and is needed when applying for positions in medicine, academia, or a scientific profession.
  • A resume is typically one or two pages in length and is used to apply for all other types of positions.
  • Most MPH students will need a resume for their careers.
  • A CV is common for Ph.D. students, professors, and medical doctors. A CV includes a list of publications and presentations.

To get started creating or updating your resume, view these resources:

For more help or to determine if you should use a resume or CV, review these slides from the NIH Office of Intramural Training & Education presentation titled Job Search Documents for Professional Scientists.

Cover Letters

Sometimes you will need to submit a cover letter with your resume or CV. A cover tells an employer what position you are applying for, why you are interested in the position and the organization, and what relevant skills, experience, and education you can bring to the position.

Tips for writing a strong cover letter:

  • Follow standard business letter format. Align everything to the left, do not indent, set the format to single space, and double space between paragraphs.
  • Address your letter to a specific person (Mr., Ms., or Dr.). Review the organization’s website to find out who the supervisor of the position is and address the letter to him or her.
  • Write a new cover letter for each position you apply to. Avoid sending the same letter to multiple employers.
  • Look at the job description of the position. Highlight required qualifications listed and the job duties. In the second paragraph of your cover letter, highlight the skills you possess that the employer wants.
  • The cover letter should provide new content that is not as easily available on your resume or CV. The cover letter is an opportunity to tell the employer why you want to work at their organization and why you are a good fit for the position.

To get started creating or updating your cover letter, view these resources:
