Looking Back

2016 Graduates

2016 Graduates


PHSAs annual think pink week to fundraise for Breast Cancer Research and Education in Fall 2016

PHSAs annual think pink week to fundraise for Breast Cancer Research and Education in Fall 2016


First DOCs health fair of Fall 2016.

First DOCs health fair of Fall 2016


Cooking Canes in Fall 2016

Cooking Canes in Fall 2016


PHSA started Fall 2016 with soul

PHSA started Fall 2016 with soul


PHSA practices Yoga Spring 2016

PHSA practices Yoga Spring 2016


First PHSA think pink week to fundraise Breast Cancer Awareness/Research held in Fall 2015

First PHSA think pink week to fundraise Breast Cancer Awareness/Research held in Fall 2015
