Canes Student Ambassador

Portrait of Emilie Brown Portrait of Emilie Brown

Emilie Brown

Class of 2024


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  • Why did you choose UM?

    I chose UM because of the individualized access to higher education resources provided by the University. After applying across multiple institutions, the UM faculty and students that introduced me to DPHS was most hands on and impressive. I knew that UM was for me immediately!

  • What is your favorite part of the program?

    My favorite part of the MPH program is the never-ending availability of opportunities provided by UM. Research, fellowship, grants, etc. All you have to do is think of your dream; and UM will help you make it happen. I cannot say that this is true elsewhere.

  • What motivated you to pursue your major?

    I am motivated by my undergraduate experiences in Public Health, as well as my own personal life experiences which have led me on this path.

  • What campus resources do you find most helpful, academically and/or personally?

    I believe that the greatest resource for students are the amazing faculty team which come along with your entrance to the MPH program. I personally have loved to interact with them, pick their brains, and utilize them to create my own success journey. On an academic level, I totally recommend checking out the medical campus. It is a great place to sit, study, and unwind between classes.

  • Why did you become a DPHS ‘Canes Student Ambassador?

    I became a DPHS 'Canes Student Ambassador to help guide students in making informed decisions about their graduate program experience. In my undergrad, I was an ambassador for another institution and enjoyed facilitating conversations about the program with prospective students, as well as working with department faculty to improve programs and give feedback. I am excited to continue this with UM.

  • How are you involved in the department and the University of Miami community?

    Within the University of Miami community, I am a research assistant in the Caban-Martinez Lab. As a research assistant, I work on the Firefighter Cancer Initiative through Sylvester. It is an honor to be a part of research that is larger than me. The impact of this lab is amazing, and I am fortunate to be a part of it! Further, I have been chosen as the 2023 Miami Israel Science and Health representative for the Kuvin Foundation Fellowship. Without my enrollment at UM, I could not even dream of this opportunity. This summer, I will travel to Israel to work in the Ministry of Health (Jerusalem) on health policy. With a focus on promoting peace in the Middle East through science, this fellowship will become my capstone and field experience within the DPHS program. I am beyond ecstatic about this opportunity, which can only be provided by UM.

  • What are your overall career and professional goals?

    I hope to one day work in national intelligence related to public health emergencies and public health policy matters for the country.

  • What is one thing you wish you would have known before starting graduate school?

    Prior to starting graduate school, I wish that I would have known where to live in Miami. There are so many amazing areas of the city to discover, and one size does not fit all. Reach out to past students and see where their favorite spot to live was!

  • How do you support your health and wellness?

    I support my health and wellness by running, working out in the gym, and hitting the sauna. I also love to dance, swim, and participate in yoga. There are so many free yoga classes across the city which have undeniably aided in my health and wellness. Take advantage of the weather!

  • Favorite spot on campus?

    My favorite spot on campus is near Central Table. It is peaceful and a quiet place to get some work done!

  • What advice would you share with prospective students?

    I would tell prospective students to think about what they hope to get out of their experience. Each program offers a unique outlook on health, and different institutions can offer you different experiences. Really take this into account when choosing your next path.

  • Fun fact?

    I met Kevin Durant at a Starbucks in New Orleans!
